Message From Chairman

It is our privilege to take this opportunity to give you a short information about us. Our main obtain aim is to provide the overseas employment opportunities for various types of manpowers from Nepal.

We strive to locate the qualified, would be unemployed in Nepal and find for them appropriate jobs abroad at a salary much higher than they would get here. By achieving this, I in fact, we all in this company belileve a great service is being done not only to the people but, also for the Nation.

During the last few years experience in this field, we are quite honest that we have gathered a vast practical knowiedge in the field of manpower business. The way of functioning this job is proved to be systematic and practical.

Once again, in friendly spirit, it is our humble invitation to all of the overseas sponsors to feel free to get in touch with us when it is considered appropriate.
Thanking you.


Mr. Santa Kumar Lama
Bajra Human Resources